What we do

Our humanitarian workers are in the front line with emergency interventions in 23 countries around the world. Ready to help, cure, protect. To guarantee access to medical care, clean water and sanitation. To distribute basic goods and emergency shelters. Ready to give everything to save a life. Because our mission is to be on the front line where people in need are.

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Sectors of intervention


We are engaged in the physical and psychosocial protection of the most vulnerable people affected by humanitarian emergencies, with specific attention to children and women survivors of violence.

Health and nutrition

We guarantee access to vital, primary and secondary medical services in emergency situations. We treat malnutrition and support the local healthcare system.

Water and sanitation

We intervene to ensure clean water and build latrines in order to improve the living conditions of vulnerable people. We train to their correct use through hygiene promotion campaigns.

Food security

We help cover primary needs through the distribution of food, seeds and agricultural tools for food production and subsistence.

Shelter and settlements

In the event of natural disasters or acute phases of conflict, we intervene as soon as possible by distributing essential goods and providing shelter.

Education in emergencies

We promote the right to education by building or rebuilding schools, training teachers and promoting educational activities in humanitarian crises.