
Our staff is composed of competent and passionate people, moved by the desire to do their part to help those in distress. They are professionals with experience in humanitarian crises, capable of managing complex projects and human resources. They are committed every day to responding to the needs of the people we help, according to international procedures and protocols. INTERSOS now has more than 3,835 people working in 23 countries around the world.

All staff are required to respect the Code of Ethics.

Mamadou Ndiaye


Mamadou Ndiaye has more than 20 years of experience in the humanitarian sector, is currently INTERSOS Dakar Representative and President. He served in the Senegalese NGO OFADEC as Executive Director. He was a Board Member for ICVA, SPHERE International and HAP (Humanitarian Accountability Partnership).

Konstantinos Moschochoritis

Director General

Born in Patras, Greece, in 1963, he is Director General of INTERSOS, after serving as Secretary General from 2016.  He is a graduate in Electrical Engineering, and since 1995, he has been working in the humanitarian field. He has worked as Logistics Manager and Head of Mission in many countries in Africa, Asia and South America.  From 2007 to 2013, he was General Manager of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Italy.

Nino Sergi

President Emeritus

In 1992, he was among the founders of INTERSOS, serving as Secretary General, then President until 2015. He is a graduate in Philosophy, and at 23 he completed his first mission in Chad. In 1974, he joined the trade union movement with Cisl, and after a factory experience, he became involved in immigration and cooperation policies at ISCOS, the Trade Union Institute for Development Cooperation.

Martin Rosselot Director of Programmes
Sergio Vecchiarelli Finance Director
Magda Bellù Director of Human Resources
Giovanni Visone Director of Communication and Fundraising
Filipe Louraço Costa Director of Logistics and Supply
Riccardo Mioli Regional Director Middle East
Andrea Dominici Regional Director Regional Office for Emergencies
Papy Kabwe Regional Director West Africa
Andrea Martinotti Regional Director East and Central Africa
Vacant Regional Director Europe
Alda Cappelletti Senior Humanitarian Advisor
Letizia Becca Head of Medical Unit
Christina Nisha Head of Protection Unit
Chiara De Stefano Communication and Press Office Coordinator
Ilaria Moriconi Fundraising Coordinator
Luciano Costantini Head of Grants Control & Compliance Unit
Paolo Tartaglia Internal Auditor
Romano Zampetti Global Security Advisor
Miro Modrusan Geneva Representative and Policy Advisor

(data updated at 1 July 2024)

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The Assembly is the statutory body that deliberates on the general course of activities to achieve the Organisation’s goals, approves the financial statements and the annual report, and elects and revokes the members of the Board of Directors, the Board of Arbitrators, and the Supervisory Body. The Assembly is convened, in ordinary session, at least once a year to approve the financial statements of the previous year, the possible renewal of officers, and the presentation of the budget for the current year.

At the 31st of December 2023, INTERSOS Assembly consists of 35 members. The Members of INTERSOS are classified into Founding Members, who participated in the establishment of INTERSOS by signing the relevant deed, Honorary Members, who have contributed through relevant acts to the development of INTERSOS and its activities and to the dissemination and defence of its humanitarian principles, and Ordinary Members. In 2023, the Assembly of Members met in June to approve the financial statements.


The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors takes the necessary and appropriate measures to achieve the Association’s goals, according to the directives of the Assembly. It is composed of a minimum of seven and a maximum of nine members, including the Director General, and gathers at least 3 times a year.

The Founding Members participate by right in the meetings of the Board of Directors with advisory and proactive powers. The Board of Directors may avail itself of the support of other individuals, also non-members, distinguished for their professionalism, experience, and affirmation of humanitarian principles, to be involved on a permanent basis for the entire duration of the Board itself, or from time to time with the role of experts and the function of providing opinions and suggestions, without the right to vote. There shall be no more than 2 permanent experts.

INTERSOS Board of Directors consists of 8 voting members and met 5 times during 2023.


Composition of the INTERSOS Board of Directors

  1. Mamadou Ndiaye, President
  2. Konstantinos Moschochoritis, Director General
  3. Roberta Canulla, Member
  4. Antonio Donini, Member
  5. Davide Gallotti, Member
  6. Lucio Melandri, Member
  7. Eileen Morrow, Member
  8. Delphine Pinault, Member
  9. Nino Sergi – President Emeritus, Founding Member having advisory power
  10. Amedeo Piva – Founding Member having advisory power
  11. Tineke Ceelen – Permanent Expert
  12. Apostolos Veizis – Permanent Expert


The Board of Statutory Auditors

The Board of Statutory Auditors has the task of monitoring compliance with the law and the articles of association and respect for the adequacy of the organisational, administrative, and accounting structure and its concrete functioning. It is also monitoring compliance with civic, solidarity, and social utility purposes; certifies that the annual report is prepared in accordance with the guidelines; highlights to the Board of Directors the situations of conflict of interest in which the Director General may find himself and transmits to the Board of Directors recommendations and indications considered appropriate for the correctness and transparency of the association’s work and for the consistency of the activities with the statutory purposes. The Board of Statutory Auditors remains in office for three years and its members may be reconfirmed for a maximum of three consecutive terms.

INTERSOS’ Board of Statutory Auditors was appointed by the General Assembly on the 28th of June 2023, and is made up of three standing members and two alternates, with requirements of honour, professionalism, and independence, appointed by the Assembly.


Composition of INTERSOS’ Board of Statutory Auditors

  1. De Simone Giampaolo – Standing member
  2. Del Vecchio Raffaele – Standing member
  3. Chiocchi Angelo – Standing member
  4. De Angelis Maria – Alternate member
  5. Vezzosi Patrizia – Alternate member

The Board of Arbitrators

The Board of Arbitrators is entrusted with the task of working for the settlement and resolution of any dispute arising between the bodies of the association and within the framework of relations between the association and the operational structure. The Board of Arbitrators is composed of three members appointed by the Assembly, who designate the President of the Board from among themselves. The Board of Arbitratorswas appointed by the General Assembly on the 28th of June 2023 and is composed by:

  • Davide Berruti
  • Alda Cappelletti
  • Luciano Costantini

Supervisory Board

 The Supervisory Board is a body provided for by Legislative Decree 231/2001 on the ‘administrative liability of companies and bodies’. This body is appointed ‘autonomously’ by the Board of Directors. The Supervisory Board has the task, with regard to the Organisational Model issued by the Entity, of constantly monitoring:

  • on its observance by all people it addresses
  • on its actual effectiveness in preventing the commission of the Offences
  • on the implementation of the prescriptions contained therein;
  • on its updating, in the event the need arises, to adapt the Model due to changes in the corporate structure and organisation or in the reference regulatory framework.

The Supervisory Board was elected by the Board of Directors on the 13th of June 2022 and is composed of:

  • Giampaolo de Simone
  • Gabriele Zito
  • Paolo Tartaglia


Advisory Board

The INTERSOS Advisory Board is composed of people who share our values and humanitarian commitment, and voluntarily put their skills and professionalism at the service of INTERSOS. The INTERSOS Advisory Board is composed of:

  1. Raffaele Costantino
  2. Nerina di Nunzio
  3. Nancy Earle
  4. Andrea Lanzone
  5. Laura Maywald
  6. Marco Momigliano
  7. Paolo Petrocelli
  8. Giulia Pigliucci
  9. Andrea Schiavoni
  10. Enrica Costantini
  11. Marta Leonori