
Join us on the frontline with your company

We will build a partnership coherent with humanitarian principles and corporate values to create shared value. We’ll identify together the best way for your company to benefit from a meaningful investment supporting the most vulnerable in the world’s most challenging contexts.

Your company: on the front line with us

Coinvolgi i tuoi dipendenti

Your company: on the front line with us

Partner with INTERSOS to become one of the companies supporting our activities on the front line. You can deliver support to populations in conflict or emergencies and add value to your mission through a donation. Together, we can build a long-term partnership, bringing new hope to millions of people who have lost everything.

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Foto aziende

Involve your employees

Open the doors of your company to INTERSOS and share our mission with your staff. We can join forces in promoting fundraising campaigns, events, and awareness-raising activities involving your employees to contribute to our projects.

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Foto fondazioni 2

Adopt a Safe Space

Primary care centers and shelters, schools and educational temporary spaces, Safe Spaces for women and children.

These are the Safe Spaces where INTERSOS can care for, provide physical shelter, and protect the most vulnerable. By ensuring regular support to a Safe Space, your company will guarantee dignity and safety for people in need in our countries of intervention. Your company will contribute to bringing humanitarian aid in the most severe emergencies

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Companies supporting INTERSOS

Contact us to collaborate together

    How to donate

    IBAN: IT 57 A 02008 03284 000106338520
    Addressed to: INTERSOS Onlus, via Aniene 26 A – 00198 Roma


    Mobile clinics, schools, primary care and reception centers: Protected Places allow us to treat, welcome and protect. The companies on the front line, with their donations, enable us to make safe, welcoming places live. Find out here how we can collaborate!

    Companies can support INTERSOS in different ways, according to their own particularities: from the direct funding of a project in a specific area of intervention to management consultancy, to the development of tools to improve the impact of our humanitarian activities. Each of the paths taken generates positive social value that contributes to the humanitarian cause.

    For companies, donations are deductible from net total income for an amount not exceeding 10% of declared total income (Art. 83, paragraph 2 of Legislative Decree No. 117 of July 3, 2017). 

    As INTERSOS is an NGO and a non-profit organization, cash donations are deductible from income for an amount not exceeding 30,000 euros or 2% of declared business income (Art.100, paragraph 2, letter h of Presidential Decree 917/86)

    Contributions from companies make our projects possible in the most serious humanitarian crises. INTERSOS invests 92% of available funds in humanitarian projects. Only 7 percent goes to cover general organizational costs and just 1 percent goes to cover fundraising costs. In the social report, published annually, INTERSOS makes public the use of funds.

    Through our blog, edited by the organization’s communication department. Follow us also through our social pages: Instagram, Twitter and Facebook!

    Barbara Cosentino

    High-value Donors Manager
