

Protection includes all activities aimed at ensuring full respect for the rights of the person in accordance with human rights law and international humanitarian law and actions taken to overcome and prevent exposure to physical and/or psychological harm arising from situations of violence or crisis. In all countries where we operate, we strive to alleviate the immediate effects of violence and abuse, to end it, and to prevent it. For the physical and psychological protection of the most vulnerable people in particular, we deal with:

  • Protection monitoring: gathering the needs and vulnerabilities of the people we assist in order to identify violations or exposure to the risk of rights violations, and related determinants (social, physical, economic, environmental, political) to activate a humanitarian response.
  • Case management: we take in and help people with specific needs.
  • Psychological and psycho-social support.
  • Legal Assistance.
  • Specialised assistance for survivors of gender-based violence, creation of safe spaces for women and girls, and people at risk.
  • Awareness-raising campaigns and training courses on gender-based violence management and prevention.
  • Economic assistance to make people autonomous and capable of self-determination.
  • Actions to protect and safeguard children from possible abuse and awareness-raising campaigns to prevent it.
  • Reunification of minors with family members, where possible.
  • Creating child-friendly safe spaces.
  • Assistance to victims of trafficking and unaccompanied foreign minors in transit.