With the support of Fondo di Beneficenza Intesa San Paolo, we work in the Bekaa to help people at risk or survivors of gender-based violence



In Lebanon, gender-based violence continues to strongly affect women and girls, who hardly receive adequate social support to be able to get away from their aggressors. Thanks to the support of Fondo di Beneficenza Intesa San Paolo, INTERSOS helps people at risk or survivors of gender-based violence in the Bekaa, one of the most affected Governorates by the socioeconomic crisis that contributes to increasing poverty and social marginality.


In such a context, gender-based violence represents one of the greatest risks for women and girls. Half of the women we assist have an episode of violence behind them. To address this problem, INTERSOS has established a collective shelter that consists of a series of safe houses for refugees and non-refugees exposed to gender-based violence. A building rehabilitated and made welcoming for extremely vulnerable people. There are currently 36 people living here: 6 families, 3 of which are survivors of gender-based violence, and 3 families have a member with disabilities.


Within this shelter, our staff carries out supportive activities that are attended by 25 people including women, men and children. Through recreational activities, which have created trusting relationships, some people have been included among the participants in psychological support sessions for the promotion of mental well-being. Here our staff also carry out professionalizing activities, to strengthen self-determination, and awareness sessions on issues such as hygiene, proper nutrition, and behaviours to adopt or avoid for children at risk of violations. In addition, specific inclusion, and awareness activities are carried out for people with disabilities.


Lebanon is home to the highest number of refugees in the world and is currently in the middle of a complex socioeconomic crisis that has been eroding services and infrastructure for several years and destroying the purchasing power of Lebanese and refugees. In Bekaa Governorate, where we work together with Fondo di Beneficenza Intesa San Paolo, families are struggling to meet daily expenses and many have lost their jobs due to debt. In addition, in remote places, there is a lack of adequate shelter services capable of housing vulnerable people and promoting social reintegration.